Creative Talk

ODIN Project - Creating a Hologram for Altitude Infra.

The Altitude Infrastructure Group has been supporting local authorities for the digital development of territories for more than 15 years. In preparation for the announcement of an ambitious data management software project called ODIN, Haus Division has prepared a hologram arousing the curiosity of visitors to the event to which Altitude Infra will unveil the latter.

The objective: to introduce the general public to Altitude Infra's new internal tool, in a unique form designed entirely in-house.

After being contacted by the Communication Director of the Altitude Infrastructure group about their ODIN project and brainstormed about it, the first step was to give body and identity to what was for the moment only an abbreviation: Organization of Integrated Data. Luckily for us, the trail we set out on was not difficult to find, and indeed quite informative, since it is all about Scandinavian mythology. Odin occupies the place of main god, which lets us explore a very large panel of symbols linked to him.

Legend has it that it was Odin himself who brought the Nordic alphabet to the Scandinavians - a runic language called the ancient futhark, with elongated and straight shapes. Graphically, these runes reminded us of electrical circuits, or stretched cables, the main activity of Altitude Infrastructure. Perfect.

The runic alphabet, like the Egyptian hieroglyphics, has characters that alone represent a concept or an object. Thus, by using certain runes and combining them, we were able to create shapes that etymologically correspond to the values ​​of Altitude Infrastructures and ODIN.

Moreover, Odin himself is represented by these same people by a distinctive symbol called a valknut, consisting of three intertwined triangles. For the Vikings, it represented the links between different worlds - for Altitude Infrastructure, a large connected network with ODIN as its core.

Here we had some vectorized concepts, we imported the shapes on Cinema4D, a 3D software (and not 4), to convert the shapes to 3D models and then animate them on a dark background. We utilised Adobe After Effects and Red Giant Particular to arrive in a Retro Sci-fi Hologram look, lots of glow and colour treatments.

Thus, we had two graphic elements to push ODIN towards a clear meaning aiming to reinforce their credibility. Thinking about keeping just one, we presented our research along with the concepts to the communication team to gather their feedback.

Surprise - One concept is approved and almost ready to go!

We apply the three colors mainly used for their communication until then, orange, blue and white, and took the opportunity to slip the link to the trinity of Altitude Infra: the THD group, the Construction group, and the Operations group. Last argument, the triangular shape of the valknut looks like a mountain, and therefore, the altitude. No, it's not far-fetched.

We added an extra scene where the graphic elements symbolizing Human, Protection and Construction - the core of Odin are introduced followed by an extra animation to the previous concept where the fragments of the valknut shape morphs to Odin's logo. Here we proceed to color treatment making sure we have a flawless holographic projection.

The closer the color is to black, the less the projector diffuses it and that’s the trick of Holographic projections. This is why the valknut seems to be floating in the void. However, it was also the biggest source of problems for the production of this video asset, which was much more difficult to see on a laptop screen than on the high-quality Retina display we're working on. Finding the balance has not been easy, but we think the results are worth the effort. See for yourself!

Check final project render : Odin - Hologram

Don't miss the next article [link to article] on making a 2 minute video mixing motion design and 3D to explain how ODIN works!



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