Altitude Infra - Promo 2023

Altitude Infrastructure
Détails du projet
Project Details
    Nom du projet
    Altitude Infra - Promo 2023
  • Client
    Altitude Infrastructure
Synthèse du projet
Project Overview
As part of my work at Haus Division, I had the opportunity to contribute to a project for Altitude Infra. Initially, we created a promo video for them, which turned out to be successful. Recently, Altitude Infra approached me again, requesting an adaptation of the video to incorporate their new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other changes that would give it a more timeless quality.
Creative Direction
Motion Design
Audiovisual Production
    Altitude Infra - Promo 2023
  • Client
    Altitude Infrastructure
    Creative Direction
    Motion Design
    Audiovisual Production
  • Summary

    As part of my work at Haus Division, I had the opportunity to contribute to a project for Altitude Infra. Initially, we created a promo video for them, which turned out to be successful. Recently, Altitude Infra approached me again, requesting an adaptation of the video to incorporate their new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other changes that would give it a more timeless quality.

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Creative Direction
Motion Design
Audiovisual Production

Altitude Infra - Promo 2023

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