After developing the new website of the Rouen Metropole Basket, there was no question of launching it without a video presentation. This video allowed us to highlight the website created, the RMB team filmed during a match against Blois but also a contest game organized mainly for the exit of the website. This project was a real pleasure for us, the whole team worked tirelessly to meet the expectations of the RMB, and it allowed us to get a foothold in the field of sport, something we wanted to do for a long time.
When Art meets sports, that's what this video shows in terms of visuals. It's meant to start a campaign called "Be Bold" where we would take different people in different fields and produce videos showcasing how bold they are and pushing people towards their uniqueness, as Geoffrey Duval, champion of English boxing of Normandy in his category (64Kg - ).
After working along with Altitude on their new website and collaborating on new branding assets, we were requested to work on the video which will introduce the new Altitude Infra.