Troy - Promotional Videos

Détails du projet
Project Details
    Nom du projet
    Troy - Promotional Videos
  • Client
Synthèse du projet
Project Overview
Following the successful establishment of Troy's brand identity and website design, I took on the challenge of creating promotional videos to further amplify Troy's presence and effectively communicate its value proposition. These videos were meticulously crafted to showcase Troy's visionary AI-driven solutions and their transformative impact on the legal realm.
Audiovisual Production
Motion Design
Creative Direction
    Troy - Promotional Videos
  • Client
    Audiovisual Production
    Motion Design
    Creative Direction
  • Summary

    Following the successful establishment of Troy's brand identity and website design, I took on the challenge of creating promotional videos to further amplify Troy's presence and effectively communicate its value proposition. These videos were meticulously crafted to showcase Troy's visionary AI-driven solutions and their transformative impact on the legal realm.

Troy - Promotional Video (Short Version)

Troy - Promotional Video (Products Version)

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Audiovisual Production
Motion Design
Creative Direction

Troy - Promotional Videos

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