Zoulou - C'est Vrai? (Music Video)

Détails du projet
Project Details
    Nom du projet
    Zoulou - C'est Vrai? (Music Video)
  • Client
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Project Overview
I had the opportunity to work on a music video for Zoulou's song "C'est Vrai?" The concept for the video was written by the artist himself, and I took on the roles of filmmaking and editing. Over the course of a single weekend, I poured my efforts into bringing the artist's vision to life, resulting in a music video that effectively conveyed the essence of the song.
Audiovisual Production
Art, Culture and Sports
Live Action Prod.
    Zoulou - C'est Vrai? (Music Video)
  • Client
    Audiovisual Production
    Art, Culture and Sports
    Live Action Prod.
  • Summary

    I had the opportunity to work on a music video for Zoulou's song "C'est Vrai?" The concept for the video was written by the artist himself, and I took on the roles of filmmaking and editing. Over the course of a single weekend, I poured my efforts into bringing the artist's vision to life, resulting in a music video that effectively conveyed the essence of the song.

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Audiovisual Production
Art, Culture and Sports
Live Action Prod.

Zoulou - C'est Vrai? (Music Video)

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